Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ode to the Moth

Ode to the moth

Whirling dervishes
Dance dizzily around the light bulb
Rapt in reverie
Oblivious to night perils
Daring to die. Or seeking death?

A dash of dull grey
Paled in comparison
To the brilliance of the black night
Elusive, characterless
Rushing feverishly towards definite death
You make me see
The beauty of the unremarkable


  1. Hey, nice. I didn't know you were doing poetry as well! I like esply the first half - Jency

  2. Loved the last two lines! It so true that these little, teeny things that we dont spare a thought for can inspire such simple beauty. Looouuuly!:-)

  3. Thanks girls :). Jency.. I cant believe u were tracking my blog.. How??? I used to write poems but this ones probalby after 5 yrs or soemthing.. where does a dry boring journo like me churn out poetry???
    And Aish, u know what 'inspired' me right? :P
